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DISC Crime Reporting App

DISC is the unique online information-sharing system that’s helping drive down low-level crime and antisocial behaviour across the UK. It empowers communities, via the Disc App and Disc Desktop, to ‘self-manage’ low-level crime and ASB, and enables police to work with them to deliver a new kind of effective, joined-up community policing.


Across the UK, over 500 towns and city centres use Disc including Wolverhampton CityCentre BID, as well as national retailers, many of the largest shopping centres in the country, security companies and police forces. To date over 100 BIDs rely on Disc to share vital information with their levy-payers about local crime and ASB, the offender’s responsible and essential current-awareness as well as to manage ‘exclusion schemes’ for them. If you would be interested in joining as a BID business it is free to sign up with an email address and access to a smart phone or tablet. Contact Shaun Boyce on 01902 710903 or email shaun@wolverhamptonbid.co.uk